Terms and conditions

1. Applicability

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all business relationships between us, Sascha Ohde - Vanlife Adventures, and our customers (hereinafter referred to as "Customer"), in their respective valid version at the time of contract conclusion.

1.2. Any terms and conditions of the customer that deviate from, contradict, or supplement these terms and conditions will only become part of the contract if we have expressly agreed to their validity in writing.

2. Conclusion of contract

2.1. Our offers on the internet represent a non-binding invitation to the customer to order products from us.

2.2. By submitting an order on the internet, the customer makes a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract. The customer is bound to this offer until the end of the third working day following the day of the offer.

2.3. We are entitled to accept the customer's offer within two weeks. The acceptance can be made either in writing or by delivering the goods to the customer.

2.4. The contract for download products is concluded upon provision of the download by us.

3. Prices and terms of payment

3.1. The prices listed on our website include the applicable statutory value-added tax.

3.2. Unless otherwise agreed, our invoices are payable within 14 days from receipt without deduction.

3.3. In case of payment default by the customer, we are entitled to demand default interest of 5 percentage points above the respective base interest rate per annum. We reserve the right to claim higher default damages.

4. Delivery and shipping costs

4.1. Unless otherwise agreed, delivery will be made from stock to the delivery address specified by the customer.

4.2. The delivery time is usually 2-5 working days from receipt of payment, unless otherwise agreed. For download products, the provision will be made within 24 hours.

4.3. The shipping costs will be communicated to the customer before sending the order. The shipping costs for download products are waived.

5. Retention of title

5.1. The delivered goods remain our property until full payment of the purchase price.

5.2. The customer is obligated to inform us immediately in writing if third parties assert rights to the reserved goods.

6. Right of withdrawal and return costs

6.1. Consumers have a right of withdrawal. Further information can be found in the withdrawal policy.

6.2. In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties must be returned.

6.3. The customer shall bear the cost of returning the goods if the delivered item corresponds to the ordered one and if the price of the item to be returned does not exceed 40 euros, or if, in the case of a higher price of the item, the customer has not yet provided the consideration or a contractually agreed partial payment at the time of the revocation, unless the delivered item is defective or does not correspond to the ordered item.

Please use the withdrawal form for your cancellation.

7. Warranty

7.1. We guarantee that the goods are free from defects in material and title at the time of transfer of risk to the customer.

7.2. In the event of defects, the customer is entitled to the statutory warranty rights.

7.3. With downloadable products, we guarantee that the provided software is free of material and legal defects at the time of provision.

8. Liability

8.1. We are liable without limitation for damages resulting from the violation of life, body or health, which are based on negligent or intentional breach of duty by us or one of our legal representatives or agents, as well as for damages covered by liability under the Product Liability Act.

8.2. In all other cases, we shall only be liable if we have negligently breached a material contractual obligation (cardinal duty). In this case, liability shall be limited to the typical, foreseeable damage for the contract.

8.3. We are not liable for damages caused by the loss of data or their alteration or damage during transmission to external platforms used to fulfill the contract, unless we can be accused of grossly negligent behavior.

9. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction, contract language

9.1. For all legal relationships between the parties, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply, excluding the laws on the international sale of goods. This choice of law shall only apply to consumers to the extent that the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence is not withdrawn.

9.2. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is our place of business, provided that the customer is a merchant, legal entity under public law, or a special fund under public law.

9.3. The language of the contract is German.

10. Privacy policy

10.1. We commit to comply with data protection regulations and to use the personal data provided by the customer exclusively for the purpose of processing the business relationship.

10.2. The customer has the right at any time to obtain information about the personal data stored by us, their origin, recipients, and the purpose of the storage. The customer also has the right to request the correction, blocking, or deletion of this data.

10.3. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the customer's data. In particular, we pay attention to protection against unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or alteration.

10.4. The customer agrees that we may use data collected within the business relationship for advertising purposes unless the customer objects to it. The customer can object to the use of their data for advertising purposes at any time.
